oscillating universe in a sentence
- This was formalized as Richard Tolman's oscillating universe.
- :: : Hm . . . well, we could be living in a oscillating universe, or some other ouroboros-like thing.
- It's entirely possible, though, that we live in an oscillating universe which expands and collapses every 100 billion years or so.
- The oscillating universe theory that the universe will end in a collapse or'big crunch'followed by another big bang, and so on dates from 1930.
- Interestingly, the scientists have put forward the theory of oscillating universe, which states that the cycles of creation and, dissolution will continue endlessly, a well-known Indian concept.
- It's difficult to find oscillating universe in a sentence.
- These have included non-standard interpretations of the effect of dark energy and gravity, particle production in an oscillating universe, and use of a Bayesian statistical approach to argue that the problem is non-existent.
- Furthermore, the creation of universe a result of a'big bang'in the cosmic egg, and the theory of oscillating universe propounded by modem science, is strikingly similar to the views of great Indian seers.
- That is " Who created God ? ", or, if you assume that God always existed, why not skip the middleman and assume that the universe always existed ( maybe in the oscillating universe mode ) . talk ) 21 : 57, 8 March 2010 ( UTC)
- There was the oscillating universe theory, then there are more modern cyclic model theories, and a multi-verse theory which proposes that big bangs are going off all over the place, creating their own universes, perhaps each with slightly different string theory parameters . talk ) 06 : 43, 6 July 2012 ( UTC)
- :: The thinking about the oscillating universe ( at least prior to the information BenRG explains below ) was that if the big crunch singularity DID look exactly like the big bang singularity-then because they are both zero sized dots containing all of everything-then when the big bang goes off-the results are 100 % identical each time.
- is it possible that dark matter, is / are, neutrally oscillating strings that are vibrating at the same frequency / pattern as the Universe itself . By this I mean, can strings blend into the background harmonic of an oscillating Universe ? My thought is that such a string would only be evidenced through it's mass / gravitational profile ! Preceding talk ) 03 : 58, 27 March 2010 ( UTC)
- :It seems to me that the oscillating universe model is just as bad in this respect, as we have no explanation of what created the universe, either way . ( Or, if an OU is assumed to always have existed, why exactly that would be and how is that any better than saying that God always existed and then created everything ? ) talk ) 17 : 10, 9 January 2009 ( UTC)